/ / Is It Weird to Travel Solo? 7 Reasons Why It Isn’t

Is It Weird to Travel Solo? 7 Reasons Why It Isn’t


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Some people wonder is it weird to travel solo when you don’t want to wait for other people in your life to be able to join you on adventures? Keep on reading to find out why traveling solo isn’t weird, and how it’s actually very empowering!

Traveling the world is such a wonderful experience to have in life. It’s true when they say that travel is the one thing you can buy that makes you richer. 

There is so much growth and fun when it comes to traveling, especially when try traveling alone. But is it weird to travel solo?

Not at all! In fact, I highly suggest everyone try it at least once in their life for all of the benefits that it offers. 

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Want more reasons as to why you should travel solo? Okay, here’s a list of a few!

Solo Travel Grows Your Independence

When you travel alone, getting by in a new place, possibly where you don’t even speak the language, is a great and quick way to grow your sense of independence. Realizing that you can not only get by, but actually thrive, in a new place is an invigorating feeling. 

Freedom Without Compromise

When you’re traveling solo, you don’t have to compromise what you want to do with anyone else! That means no wasting precious time or money on something you aren’t interested in. It also means that you don’t have to miss out on anything that you’re excited about doing because a travel partner isn’t interested. It’s really a great sense of freedom to have full control over your itinerary.

Related: Solo Travel for Women: Tips and Safety Hacks

Creating Lifelong Memories

Even if you only end up traveling solo once in your life, you’ll have those memories for the rest of your life. It’s fun when you’re watching tv and you see somewhere you’ve traveled before and you can think back on the experience you had there. This is also true for travel you’ve done with family and friends in your life, but there’s something extra special about remembering your solo trips abroad. Find out some of the best places to travel solo here.

woman sitting alone on a hill looking at the beach is it weird to travel solo

Meet New People

I’ve noticed that when people are traveling solo, they’re often more outgoing and social. This makes it easier to reach out to new people around you. Perhaps you’ll even meet some new lifelong friends! These people may even end up becoming your future travel partners if you don’t have many travel loving friends in your life already, since it’s likely these new friends will have travel in common with you as well. Learn how to make new friends while traveling here.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

As they say, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. It’s beneficial to get out of your comfort zone from time to time, and traveling alone is a great way to accomplish that. Even if a big trip to the other side of the world feels too much for you, you can still practice leaving the comfort zone by doing quick overnight or weekend trips locally, or to nearby cities.

Woman in airport is it weird to travel solo

Connect with Yourself

When you’re traveling solo, you’re often your main source of company, so it’s a great time to really connect with yourself. You’ll always learn more about yourself while traveling on your own, and I think you’ll grow to be really impressed with how much you’re able to accomplish on your own, even in unfamiliar territory. 

Related: How To Travel Alone For The First Time: Tips For Solo Female Travelers

No Waiting for Anyone Else

If you’ve been wanting to travel for a long time, but for one reason or another the people in your life can’t accompany you on the journey, this is a great opportunity to just go for it! Don’t let other people’s schedules or financial situations hold you back from living your dream. After trying it once, you’ll most likely feel much more confident in planning more solo adventures for yourself in the future.

woman siting on a mountain looking out is it weird to travel solo

I hope these points helped you to see that it’s not weird to travel solo at all, but instead an invigorating experience that promises personal growth!

If you venture out on your first solo journey, we’d love to see it! Tag us on Instagram @shescatchingflights.

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